Chakra Stickers - Full Set
Chakra Stickers - Full Set
These stickers are a full set of 7 chakra centers. Originally they were 15 inch silks dyed with rust, and copper in 2006. Each one represents a chakra center. They are made with a sturdy vinyl paper that is water resistant. They measure 3 inches square and each is labeled in tiny font with dates and the artists name.....Rio Wrenn......That's me!
They are as follows:
Sahasrara - crown, Ajna - Third eye, Visudha- throat, Anahata - heart, Manipura - navel, Svadhisthana- sacral, Muladhara- root,
There is a lot of information about chakras out there to look up and understand if you don't already know. I would recommend reading about them. It has been a subject of study for centuries found in the Yoga Sutras.