Vive la France

Vive la France

2017-01-12 16.51.23

It has been a cold and snowy winter in Portland this year. I’m glad the promise of spring is coming closer. There is a very exciting thing I will be experiencing in April. I want to share with you. I have been holding it in because I thought if I mentioned anything too soon it would disappear. Silly I know, but I have to tell myself it’s really happening. I am finally going to use my passport and travel to Lauris, France!! I will be doing a residency at the Couleur Garance with master dyer Michel Garcia. This is a garden association where they make tinctures and dyes. I feel so honored to be part of this process and have the opportunity to absorb everything I can from a master and his association. Of course I will be documenting everything and sharing on my blog posts. Really, this is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a life time.

In lieu of my trip I have been furiously finishing my collection for 2017 so I can document it in France for a launch on soon after I return.

I thought I would take a moment to share with you some of the things I have been creating in the RAW Textiles studio……………..

2017-02-08 18.54.16-1This year I am going to be creating a digital printed pattern. One of the swatches on my ‘work in progress’ board will become that print. Can you guess which one?

Fold and roll technique inspired from itijamie shibori


2017-02-06 15.57.362017-02-10 16.12.572017-01-29 17.43.59


Katano with onion and copper. I’m still working on perfecting this one…….2017-02-16 18.02.32

2017-01-19 18.20.35

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